Functional Lab Testing
An important component to finding the root cause of illness is knowing what tests to order and how to properly interpret those results.
Functionality You Will Love
Food Intolerance Assessment
This naturopathic assessment has been used for 100 years and is highly sensitive and specific. The specificity helps to avoid long and frustrating diets, such as an elimination diet, by giving clear guidelines to what is harming your healing.
Aids in finding the root cause of symptoms including digestive upset, joint pain, menstrual pain, and anxiety.
Reproductive Hormone Health
Testing hormone levels is key in assessing symptoms like irregular menstrual cycles, difficulty conceiving, weight concerns, and skin or hair changes. When it comes to female hormones, timing is also key.
Ensuring that hormones are being tested at the right time during your menstrual cycle is important when assessing female reproductive health.
Gut Health
Our digestive system is central to overall health and when left unaddressed, it can bring healing to a halt.
Poor digestion and gut microbiome imbalances contribute to skin conditions, brain fog, anxiety, and even autoimmunity.
Through functional testing of an array of gut health markers, we can pinpoint where in the system there are issues and how to best resolve them.
Stress and Inflammatory Markers
Stress and inflammation are main factors in acute and chronic disease, especially autoimmune disorders and conditions where flares are common.
Testing inflammatory markers is important in finding and monitoring conditions such as, Lupus, Crohn’s disease, and IBD.